Service Alert
The front desk on the main floor is the checkout point for all library materials. All Greensboro College students must present their Pride Card at the front desk when borrowing materials. There is no limit to the number of books you may check out at one time. All loans are restricted to enrolled students and must be returned at the end of the semester. If materials are required over a break or during a semester when you are not enrolled, please contact
Books may be renewed as often as needed but can be immediately recalled during the second or subsequent renewals if they are requested by another library patron.
You can renew books online by visiting the library catalog and clicking “Sign in”. From your account you can view your current list of checked out materials and renew items. Log in using your thirteen digit barcode on the back of your Pride Card. After logging in, just click on “My Account” to view your account.
If you have never used the system before, follow the instructions below.
That’s it! You have now created your profile in the new system!
When the library does not have a book or an article that you need, it can be requested from other libraries using interlibrary loan. Look for the ‘request item’ button beside books or articles in the library’s catalog or email with the information you have about the book or article that you want. Librarians at Greensboro College will forward your request on to other libraries around the country that do have the item. Librarians can typically obtain the item for you, however, the process may take up to two weeks.
When you finish using your books, there are two ways to return them.
Please return books to the librarian at one of the two desks at the main entrance or the dropbox across from the reference desk. Please only leave books at the front desk when there is a librarian there to receive them.
If the library is closed, please use the outside book drop located next to the library’s front door.