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Use of library facilities: Home

Facilities Use

  1. Use of Library space is guided by the Library’s mission to serve “the academic and social community that is Greensboro College.” See the Library’s mission at
  2. Library space includes all areas within the Library except for Sternberger Cultural Center, which is not under the Library’s jurisdiction and is scheduled by Conferences and Events.
  3. The Library Electronic Classroom (2nd floor) is for library instruction and student use. When it is not being used for library instruction, it is kept open for student use. The Classroom is scheduled by library staff for library instruction (or, rarely, for computer upgrades). In order to be as available as possible to our students who need to use the workstations and need access to reference assistance, it is not scheduled for non-library classes. To the extent possible, we allow other students to use the room during library instruction. The decision whether to allow use by student not in the class will be made by the librarian teaching the class.
  4. The Upstairs Conference Room, a study room on the 2nd floor of the Library, the Library Bonus Room, and the Library Media Room may be scheduled by Greensboro College faculty, staff, and students for viewing films or for group study. These study room spaces are not available to Middle College Students. Middle College Students are encouraged to use spaces available within the Middle College. The Conference Room, Bonus Room, and Media Room is scheduled through the website at of through Library staff members. These spaces my be reserved for individuals or groups, however, they may not be scheduled for regular classes (e.g. every Tuesday and Thursday of the semester). This is so that they may be as available as possible to our students who need to use the equipment and spaces. These spaces may not be scheduled with outside groups. Faculty, staff, or students may submit a reservation for  use of the Conference Room, Bonus Room, or Media Room at or by emailing
  5. The two Small Group Nooks in the Learning Commons may be reserved by faculty, staff, or students for small group use. Quiet conversations are permitted in these areas. The TV in one of the Nooks is to be used with wireless headphones so that other Library users will not be disturbed. Faculty, staff or students may submit a reservation request for either of the Small Group Nooks by emailing:
  6. The Learning Commons, Reference, Levy-Loewenstein Collection and Lobby area are for the open and regular use of students, faculty, staff, and guests. The following points govern their scheduled use:
    1. These areas mush be kept as free for students as possible. Any scheduling of these areas for events is done at the discretion of the Library Director.
    2. Events must not exclude faculty, staff, or student from entering and using the area during the event.
    3. All setup and cleanup must be arranged by the party scheduling the event—the Library does not arrange or coordinate setup and cleanup. Cleanup must occur immediately after the end of the event.
    4. Established noise levels must be observed.
    5. Any damage or cleanup needed will be billed to scheduling party and will jeopardize future scheduling.
    6. Unless special arrangements are made with the Library Director, these areas may not be scheduled during time the Library is not open. This does not apply to Sternberger because Security is responsible for opening it.
  7. Sternberger Cultural Center is not a Library facility and its use and setup is scheduled with Conferences and Events (x5379), not by the Library. Key access to Sternberger is provided by the Security Office only. Library staff are not responsible for controlling access to Sternberger. They do not lock or unlock the doors or supervise or troubleshoot events there. Because access through the Sternberger Center can jeopardize Library security, groups leaving Sternberger should be sure that all doors are locked. If an event is held in Sternberger when the Library is closed, attendees must enter and leave via the patio door, not the Library. Arrangements for food are made with the Catering Office (x5255).
  8. The Library Director (x5377) is responsible for final decisions about the use of Library space

14 April 2011 (rev. 12 September 2011, January 2013, February 2015, May 2016)

Library Director

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Will Ritter
Call Me: 336-272-7102 x5734