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Open Education North Carolina Collection contains free, open textbooks that have been curated for the most frequently taught courses across North Carolina's 2 and 4-year colleges and universities. Faculty can adopt these OER to save their students money and lower the overall cost of higher education.
This database is managed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and provides resources ranging from textbooks to lesson plans for teachers to use in their classes.
Managed by the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, this database provides a comprehensive table of videos, exhibits, activities, and lessons that can be adopted for classroom use.
This website provides a wide range of lesson plans, curricula, and teacher's guides in a variety of subject areas that spans across several grade levels.
There's no point in recreating the wheel, and there are several free resources available to help you with instruction!
Browse the materials located in Jones Library's Curriculum Materials Collection (CMC) on the main level of the library in the Reference Room or check out the online resources - a mix of library databases and publicly available websites - to help you get started with finding open access textbooks or help you with lesson planning.
Thousands of high quality videos on business & economics, health & medicine, humanities & social sciences, and science & mathematics, as well as travel and fitness programming, home and how-to videos, indie films, and popular music performances. Includes Oscar, Emmy and Peabody award winning documentaries, interviews, instructional and vocational training videos, historical speeches and newsreels. Also includes content formerly in the NC LIVE Video Collection.
This website, free for teachers and learners of all ages, provides a wide selection of courses to provide extra support to a student in need or allow someone to embark on a journey of lifelong learning.
Browse the topic areas of Animals, Environment, History & Culture, Science, and Travel, and learn something new.
In addition to serving as a streaming service for popular shows, this website provides content about local news, arts & music, culture, history, science and nature, and much more!
Tune in for a TED Talk to learn something new or get inspired with videos dedicated to topics such as technology, entertainment, design, business, science, and global issues.