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ECM 1120 Information Literacy: Home


Welcome to the ECM 1120 Information Literacy guide!

This guide serves as a companion to the information literacy mini-workshops we had over the course of the semester. Each tab at the top covers a different workshop so you can look back at what we've covered each week, with some extra resources I didn't have time to cover in class. You can also find the handouts I gave out in each class on the page for that week!

Info Lit Skills

How can information literacy help me? Here's a list of some information literacy skills you can develop:

  • Finding scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles for your class assignments
  • Deciding whether or not you can trust an information source
  • Accurately citing the sources you've used in a paper
  • Knowing what kind of information or source you might need for an assignment
  • Finding books in the library
  • Determining if a website is trustworthy or not
  • Developing research topics based on what information already exists
  • Seeking out different opinions on the topic you're researching
  • Create good search terms and keywords for their assignment

Q&A From Past Semesters

At the end of each semester, I get students from ECM 1120 to answer the question "What was the muddiest, most confusing, and/or most unclear thing from the library workshops this semester?" Students answer this question anonymously and I try to clarify each unclear point in the hopes it'll help others with the same question.

Below, you can view the questions and answers from past semesters:

What Is Information Literacy?

At Greensboro College, we talk a lot about information literacy. (Information literacy is a part of the college's quality enhancement plan. I'm coming to your class 5 times during one semester to do information literacy mini-workshops!) What is it and why is it so important?

According to the Association of College & Research Libraries, "information literacy is the set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning." But what does that even mean?

Basically, information literacy is a set of skills that allow you to seek out and use information. We live in an information-heavy world, so it's useful to be able to find and use information effectively. Especially as a college student, you need to be able to find and utilize reliable information to help you do whatever you need to get done.

The mini-workshops and this guide are tools to help you develop your information literacy skills!

5 Components of Information Literacy


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J.A. Jones Library
815 W Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
336-272-7102 x5421