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Citation Management Tool

How to Install Zotero

Zotero can be installed on computers with Macs, Windows, and Linux operating systems.

You can also install Zotero on a Chromebook! You don't need to worry about upgrading to new versions, since Zotero will automatically update. Use the links below to get started downloading Zotero to your computer.

How to install browser connector

A connector is an icon added to your web browser that automatically detects content that you may want to save to Zotero.  You can install connectors for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.  Safari's connector is bundled with Zotero, so you will need to enable it from the Extensions pane in the Safari settings.

The yellow manilla folder in the image below is an example of what a connector looks like and where it would appear in an Internet browser.

Connector Example (Chrome)

Use the links below to install a connector to the browser of your choice.

Helpful Video

Here is a very helpful video to get you started.