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Art Research Guide

Websites and Professional Associations

It is especially important to critically evaluate the content you find on websites that you consult for research purposes, since depending on who wrote the content, what their purpose was in providing this content, and when they wrote the content, it might not be the best idea for you to use it in your research.

The websites and professional organizations listed below have already been identified as reliable resources for your research, so you can confidently use these as starting points to lead you to other credible resources on the Internet!


The websites recommended below provide a good mix of background information, artist biographies, and related historical and contextual information for your research.

Khan Academy

Kahn Academy - Once known as Smarthistory, the Kahn Academy has created a good overview of art throughout history with videos, podcasts, images, and broadly written articles in the following areas:

Professional Associations

Professional associations aren't just for making connections in the field!  Professional association websites also oftentimes have content or links to other helpful resources that may guide you in your research.  Take a look at the national and North Carolina specific associations listed below.