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Library Student Worker Guide

Student Worker Guide

Customer Service

In our library, we count on our student workers to provide excellent customer service to patrons. This means greeting people and offering the best help you can. Good communication is crucial for great service. Additionally, keeping things neat and organized is important. Most importantly, we want our student workers make sure everyone feels welcome and comfortable in our library.

8 Customer Service Skills Every Employee Should Know

Dress Code

Student workers are expected to wear attire suitable for a college work environment, including jeans, sweats, leggings, t-shirts, jackets, and sweatshirts/hoodies. However, clothing with large holes (e.g., jeans with knee holes are acceptable, but shirts with gaping armholes are not) or excessive skin exposure (e.g., crop tops, short shorts) should be avoided. Additionally, clothing displaying profanity, explicit content, or vulgar imagery is prohibited. While not mandatory, students are encouraged to wear comfortable, close-toed shoes due to the potential for movement throughout the library, which may include exposure to falling books or accidental contact with book carts. When in doubt, Please ask the supervisor about the appropriateness of your attire.

Circulation Desk Etiquette

  • Food & Drinks

Food and drinks are allowed in the library, provided that cleanliness is maintained. In the event of a mess, please ensure you cleaning up after yourself. If further assistance is required, such as removing stains from the carpet or cleaning up spilled drinks on equipment like the service desk computer, individuals must inform the supervisor.

  • Visits  from Friends

Personal conversations with friends or visitors are permissible as long as they do not impede the completion of work study duties. If engaged in an extended social conversation that cannot be postponed, it is advisable to inform a supervisor and step outside the library to address the matter.

  • Cell Phone Use

 Cell Phone usage is permissible during work study shifts as long as it doesn't interfere with assisting patrons or completing assigned tasks. If there's a need to take a personal call, please inform a supervisor before leaving the service desk.

Attendance Policy

*All students are expected to report for their regularly scheduled shifts ON TIME*

The student and supervisor will work to create a semester schedule that fits the student's availability. Once finished, all documents must be reviewed and signed by both parties.The supervisor will keep one copy in the student's file, while the student will receive another via email and a paper copy to take home. The student's work-study hours will also be visible on the library's work-study calendar. If any conflicting obligations come up during the semester, the student should promptly inform the supervisor and schedule a time to make up for the missed hours. 

Tardiness & Absences

  • Absences

Students are expected to be punctual for their shifts. If a student anticipates being absent or late for their scheduled shift, they must email their supervisors. If 15 minutes into a student’s work-study shift no contact has been made, it will be considered a no-call/no-show. In this case, the supervisor will attempt to reach out via email to notify the student of their absence.  Although not mandatory, students can send a text message to the supervisor to notify them of any expected absence or tardiness.

  • Absences Without Proper Communication

In the case of an unexpected circumstance that leads to an absence, the student must contact their supervisor within 24 hours after missing the shift, either via email, phone, or text. If the student fails to respond to the supervisor's email within this timeframe, the supervisor will call the student using the phone number provided during onboarding. If there is no response to the call, supervisors will then contact the student's emergency contacts provided during onboarding process to ensure their well-being. Should there be additional concerns about the student's safety and well-being, supervisors may also email Joan Springett-Coscia, the Student Financial Services Coordinator, to initiate a campus-wide effort to locate the student and ensure their safety.

  • Penalties for Absences and Tardiness Without Communication

Warning: If a student fails to report their expected absence or tardiness from a regularly scheduled shift, they may receive a warning, depending on the circumstances. For each instance of absence or tardiness without proper communication, the student will meet with the supervisors to discuss the reason for their lack of contact. Depending on the reason for the student’s failure to communicate, a warning may or may not be issued. It is important to note that this policy is not intended to penalize students who experience emergencies, sickness, or other circumstances that prevent proper notification.

All warnings issued for absences and tardiness will be documented in the student’s file within the student worker binder. Subsequent warnings will be further documented in an email exchange between the student and all supervisors, with copies sent to the Student Financial Services Coordinator and Payroll Accounting Specialist.

Termination: the termination process for violation of the Attendance policy follows the “Three-Strike Policy.” This means that after receiving three warnings related to their absences and tardiness, students will be terminated from their work study position, either for the semester or permanently.

Other Library Policies

By clicking this link, student workers can gain access to additional information regarding library policies. This resource provides more insights into policies beyond their basic training, enhancing understanding and efficiency in assisting patrons and managing library operations.